Chocolate Quest Repoured

Chocolate Quest Repoured


Giant Tortoise

DerToaster98 opened this issue · 4 comments

  • When blocking too early => tortoise may jump over the blocking target
  • Needs to be blocked X times before getting stunned, will show a increasing tumbling animation after each block
  • When it senses incoming projectiles, it instantly retreats into it's shell and spins to ricoshet the projectiles
  • Bubbles should drown the rider and CAN ONLY be popped by shooting or using a sword
  • Bubble rider may not dismount on their own

Anytime I block with the shield it starts spinning and doing damage to me and it'll say character died trying to harm the turtle. I can't use a shield at all it's a guaranteed death in less than 3 seconds. I think this is just the issue that's going on with lower end PCS that max out on tip cuz anytime I encounter the turtle my tip spikes and Max's out


On the thorns thing i need to check, i‘m pretty sure ot doesn’t habe mechanics specific to thorns enchantment


Another issue I noticed is if it does damage to me while any of my armor is Enchanted with thorns it'll take it as an attack and keep spinning and dealing more damage to me and I got stuck in place so I can't fight it with any armor that has thorns


You need to wait for it to start moving towards you. It first sits still, spins up and then moves. Block it when it moves. Just standing near it when it spins up will not force it out of the shell to avoid camping. Damage could be tweaked, i‘ll think about that. Also please refer to the discord for these kinds of issues please, the github issue tracker is more meant as a todo list for us and by us as well as for actual errors