Crabber's Delight

Crabber's Delight


Update Chinese translation

0000729735256 opened this issue · 2 comments


I have made new Chinese translation files for this mod:


The following is for zh_cn.json only
以下内容仅针对 zh_cn.json

  1. Your localisation file is not aligned to the existing en_us.json lines.
    1 . 你的本地化文件并未对齐现有的 en_us.json 行数

  2. Please explain why "Clawster" is translated as "螯龙"?
    2 . 请解释为什么将 “Clawster” 翻译为 “螯龙”?

  3. The existing Bucket of Chum contains other non-fish mobs, so "Chum" should not be crudely translated as "鱼饵".
    3 . 现有的 Bucket of Chum 中包含其他非鱼类生物,故 “Chum” 不应粗暴的翻译为 “鱼饵”

  4. "木棍" in "Make your first crab trap with ropes, steps and sticks" is mistranslated as "棍子".
    4 . “用绳子、台阶和棍子制作你的第一个螃蟹陷阱” 中的 “棍子” 翻译错误,应为 “木棍”

  5. "Sea-Stars" in "Reach For The Sea-Stars!" is mistranslated as "星星".
    5 . 原文为 "Reach For The Sea-Stars!",Sea-Stars 怎么就变为星星了?


The following is for zh_cn.json only 以下内容仅针对 zh_cn.json

  1. Your localisation file is not aligned to the existing en_us.json lines.
    1 . 你的本地化文件并未对齐现有的 en_us.json 行数
  2. Please explain why "Clawster" is translated as "螯龙"?
    2 . 请解释为什么将 “Clawster” 翻译为 “螯龙”?
  3. The existing Bucket of Chum contains other non-fish mobs, so "Chum" should not be crudely translated as "鱼饵".
    3 . 现有的 Bucket of Chum 中包含其他非鱼类生物,故 “Chum” 不应粗暴的翻译为 “鱼饵”
  4. "木棍" in "Make your first crab trap with ropes, steps and sticks" is mistranslated as "棍子".
    4 . “用绳子、台阶和棍子制作你的第一个螃蟹陷阱” 中的 “棍子” 翻译错误,应为 “木棍”
  5. "Sea-Stars" in "Reach For The Sea-Stars!" is mistranslated as "星星".
    5 . 原文为 "Reach For The Sea-Stars!",Sea-Stars 怎么就变为星星了?

I apologize for the earlier issues. I've made some modifications to my language files in an attempt to resolve these problems. Please accept my apologies for the errors!!