Cracker's Wither Storm Mod

Cracker's Wither Storm Mod


add directions for commands

Poqqerss opened this issue ยท 1 comments


add some text somewhere in the mod that tells the user the commands to grow the wither storm, because even with tools like google and discord it's very frustrating trying to find those commands so I would like it if they were just there in the game (also can someone in the comments of this tell me them i've been looking for 2 hours)


to speed up WS growth rate use '/witherstormmod evolutionSpeed set @e[type=witherstormmod:wither_storm,limit=1] 0.1', to change its phase use '/witherstormmod phase set @e[type=witherstormmod:wither_storm,limit=1] ', and to advance it to the next phase use '/witherstormmod consumedEntities set @e[type=witherstormmod:wither_storm,limit=1] 99999999'