


Crashes on startup when Spotify is already running

MicrocontrollersDev opened this issue · 5 comments


Well seeing as the log does not even say the word craftify besides listing the mods I'm gonna assume its not because of craftify lol


Issue only happens when Craftify is installed and Spotify is playing pre-launch. If Spotify isn’t playing anything, game launches normally. If Craftify isn’t installed, game launches normally. But if Spotify is already running while I launch the game with Craftify I get this crash. But yeah I get that the crash log doesn’t provide much in that regard.


Well that's even weirder because I literally don't do anything when it comes to the app, I don't check a single thing when it comes to the app running.


ah sorry worded that poorly. when i said spotify running i meant when spotify is currently playing a song


Yeah idk what it can still be as Craftify checks no matter what because I have to check and parse the player because you can start playing a song at anytime so even if you don't have a song playing it will still parse and check the data