Compress Item Dupe issue/exploit
Mitchell5200 opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Minecraft Version
1.19.2 (LTS)
Mod Loader
Mod Loader Version
Forge 43.2.14
Mod Version
Balm Version
Describe the Issue
When pressing the "Compress Item" keybind (Ctrl+K), on any compressible item with a crafting table open, and the item in the inventory, eg nuggets/ingots, it will compress to the next form, regardless of if there's enough of the item to compress.
Eg, 1 iron nugget->1iron ingot->1 iron block
Tested in an isolated SP instance with just JEI-, JER-1.19.2-, JEP-1.19.2-2.0.2
Initially reported in ATM8
No response
Do you use any performance-enhancing mods (e.g. OptiFine) or custom server distributions (e.g. SpongeForge)?
ATM8 uses quite a few, Isolated instance uses None
I dont know if its related but a stack of a crafted item can be obtained even if not enough base material (at least items for one output are required) by right clicking on output stack when "rightClickCraftsStack"config is "true". This is happening on recent versions of FTB ONE. See:
I'm a bit confused. I can confirm on an isolated instance with the following mods that I can press K to compress iron nuggets into ingots without it checking the stack size of the iron nuggets before doing so:
- Fabric API
- Cloth Config
- Balm
- CraftingTweaks
However this issue has been marked as done w/ no changes?
The fix was introduced in 4003f53 and just hadn't been released for 1.19.2 yet.
A release has been pushed but CurseForge is currently testing a new malware scanner which massively increased file review times. It will probably be available in an hour or so from now. Otherwise, it's on Modrinth too.