Script file irregularities
the-creamster opened this issue · 11 comments
Issue Description:
I'm getting some weirdness with a select few of my script files but it's not affecting all the other ones. The particular script file in question is that of Draconic Evolution. The recipe has been tweaked, isn't erroring out yet it's not taking effect at all. The same thing is happening with another script file not included here but that mod recently added MT ingetration to its vast array of machines so it could be there side.
i have 6+ more script files to fill out so want to kinda know what's wrong before i get it across a larger number of them.
Scripts used:
draconic evolution script file:
pic of "broken' recipe:
plate stuff script file:
- this file is using the same format as the 'crafting planks with an axe' example on the wiki, just replaced the axe with the IE hammer and the log with a 2 metal ingots
Minetweaker.log file:
- ignore line 680-748 atm
Affected Versions:
mc version: 1.10.2
forge version: build 2254
craft tweaker version: 3.0.24
@Ommina, I've tried a direct plate reference there yet that still didn't work; the other issue i mention is one on the TR github as one of the most recent updates added MT machine integration and tried it only to see it fail atm, there probably going to look into ther side first though
@jaredlll08, The thing is only a few recipes/files aren't working; the rest work perfectly fine
- For the 'platestuff.zs' file which uses the wiki example format with my item references why isn't that working?
- For the 'draconicevolution.zs' file how can i use the tinkers electrum swordblade/pickaxehead parts reference so it recognizes it but doesn't error out(or any tinkers part for that matter)?
full item references:
sword blade: tconstruct:sword_blade.withTag({Material:"electrum"})
pickaxe head: tconstruct:pick_head.withTag({Material:"electrum"})
and yes i tried adding another set of '<>/[]' to the outside of it for no working effect
Perhaps I'm confused, but, are script commands to the effect of
recipes.addShapeless(<ore:plateIron>, ...
at all valid? Assuming my understanding that ore:
means 'an ore dictionary list' is correct, I don't get how a recipe can have such a list as an output. I would expect the recipe would have to create an actual item, which, in turn, would be added to the ore dict. Or is zen script more magical than I previously thought?
The tconstruct stuff should just be
I recommend that you use mt hand on it to get the proper name and copy it to your clipboard.
Then for your plate issue, you are trying to output an oredictionary, which isn't possible, you need to output an ItemStack, like
The 'plate stuff.zs' is still refusing to work for me:
Also did you not read my direct reply to @Ommina comment prior to you closing this???
@the-creamster Have you read the wiki? since you are doing some VERY weird stuff...
You can't use
in an input, inputs are single item only.
This is the example on the wiki, about halfway down;
Great! We can reuse the axe. Now what if we also wanted the axe to be damaged when you use it?
recipes.addShapeless(minecraft:stick * 3,
[minecraft:stone_axe.transformDamage(), ore:plankWood]);
whereas mine is
[immersiveengineering:tool.transformDamage(2), ore:ingotIron*2]);
The only difference between mine and the example one is a single output & double item input. If it's the case of a multiple input item then that specific portion isn't covered or mentioned anywhere at all and thus should be which would have avoided all of this.
So if i were to use 2 seperate following on references would that work??
From the vanilla level, shapeless recipes, and recipes in general, only accept singular items for inputs. That's just part of how the base game works. So if you want your shapeless recipe to have two iron ingots, you would need to include the same item entry multiple times.
Ok, the log isn't erroring out on that script file now but surprisingly only a small amount of them are working.
script file:
updated log file: 209-266)
example pics:
Is this a genuine bug now???
I still have no idea what is even wrong with this.
Please upload ALL of your scripts, and the log file from a fresh client restart (not a reload)