Logger Issue: Issue in 1st entry of a script results in ? instead of file name in the logger
kindlich opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Issue Description:
When executing the fist line of a script fails, it cannot specify the file it failed in.
What happens:
Found this when testing in my dev workspace, but is present in the normal curse-version as well:
When you make a typo in the first command of a script it does not specify the file it errored in, but instead shows a ?.
What you expected to happen:
Expected would be that the Logger should show the file it errored in correctly.
Script used
https://pastebin.com/BjvwTbTd <-- Typo in the first command, so it errors, but the log won't specify the filename
https://pastebin.com/F6Dmmb3k <-- Typo in the second command, so it errors, but this time the log will specify the filename
Minetweaker.log file
Case 1: https://pastebin.com/XiUPUSck
Case 2: https://pastebin.com/DgCWq6vU
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- Minecraft: 1.11.2
- Forge:
- Crafttweaker: 3.0.25