


Is there a get an exsisting recipe?

Yarden-zamir opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Issue Description:

I want to make a function that receives three items and changes every occurrence of the second one with the third in the first's recipe.

function replaceInRecipe(recipe as IItemStack, from as IItemStack, to as IItemStack){}
is that possible in any way? it would make my life so much easier


You could try using recipes.getRecipesFor(IIngredient output);
That returns a List of IRecipe objects.
These objects have some getters to receive the used ingredients.
Heres a wiki entry for them

Also, note there's a PR currently that might add the functionality to replace certain ingredients in the future.


Thank you, that seems like exactly what i need. I'm gonna keep an eye out for that pr as well


It is, but what is not yet implemented is casting a List to an Array. Try removing as IRecipe[].
In a later CrT release lists will have the identifier [baseType] but that is not yet released

Also, it's called ICraftingRecipe not IRecipe (and you need to import the class, of course)


It seems it's not implemented yet

function replaceInRecipe(recipe as IItemStack, from as IItemStack, to as IItemStack){
  val inputRecipes = recipes.getRecipesFor(recipe) as IRecipe[];
  for inRec in inputRecipes{

results in [CHAT] ERROR: [crafttweaker]: Error executing {[99:crafttweaker]: functions.zs}: Not yet implemented