scripts are not displayed in jei
Boshouko opened this issue ยท 2 comments
After I wrote to the makers of Jei, they said I should report here. namely, it is that jei does not display the scripts that are on the server but are not present in the client. we ourselves have some servers. Since we have made some minor changes but these are not displayed in the client itself, since they do not have script itself.
At that time with minetweaker / nei everything had worked wonderfully. but not today. could not you implement that again?
Script used
All scripts
Affected Versions (Do not use "latest"):
- Minecraft: 1.10.2 - 1.12.2
- Forge: no need
- Crafttweaker: all version
people who have the scripts, so from our launcher itself, see this here: https://screen.ilikepudding.tk/x38a16uos9.png
the others do not see it, because the script does not exist on the client itself. although the server passes on the information that it can not be crafted, but only if you try to craft it.