NBTTagString cannot be cast to NBTTagCompound
drago87 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
I'm trying to hide all the liquid buckets from the mod PrimalCore
the buckets uses nbt data and ii'm trying to iterate to remove all of them exept the empty bucket
val stringArray = [
] as string[];
for fluid in stringArray {
mods.jei.JEI.hide(<primal:bucket_clay>.withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: fluid, Amount: 1000}}));
mods.jei.JEI.hide(<primal:bucket_terra>.withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: fluid, Amount: 1000}}));
mods.jei.JEI.hide(<primal:bucket_cinis>.withTag({Fluid: {FluidName: fluid, Amount: 1000}}));
i'm getting this error
ERROR: [crafttweaker]: Error executing {[0:crafttweaker]: JEIHide.zs}: net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagString cannot be cast to net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
Is there a right way to do it?
Follow the issue template, I need literally all the info you decided to leave out -_-