[1.15.2]Item Clear does not work
EnterFor opened this issue · 5 comments
["Item Clear"]
#Waiting time between Checks in Minutes
#Range: 0 ~ 1440
timer = 4
#Text to display in TitleCommand
titletext = "物品清理"
#Chat warning, Comma separated, in seconds
warnings = "5,20"
#Do a clear if there are more than X items
#Range: > 0
maximum = 500
#Text to Display in Chat when Item. First % will be replaced by Value. In red, encased in [===
warningtext = "% 秒后清理地面物品"
#Run a Title command on first warning
title = true
#Enable regular ItemClear
enabled = false
["Memory Checker"]
#Time between Memory Checks that will get saved for display(in seconds)
#Range: > 0
timer = 300
#Threshold at which the Memory checker will diplay a warning in the Log (in MB)
#Range: > 0
threshold = 500
#Enable the Memory checker
enabled = true
This is my configuration file. I've been waiting for a long time without any prompt from the server
The clear will also only run if there are more than 500 items on the ground. That's Item Entities up to 64 items can be in an item entity