Create Big Cannons

Create Big Cannons


Ammo box config not working correctly

glougloudu77 opened this issue · 4 comments


Good morning
the config which allows you to modify the quantity of cartridge in the ammo box is blocked at 64, in the config it is written that you can put a value between 0 and 128 but even when you put the config at 128, you cannot can't put more than 64 in the box,
moreover, the FOV bug has still not been fixed


The 128 limit only works if you store ammo in both the main ammo slot and the tracer slot.
Also, what FOV bug?


totute mes excuses pour m'etre tromper, pour ce qui concerne le bug de FOV, lorsque le mod est installé, la config des effet de FOV se bloque a 100%, la config affiche 0% mais les effet reste present dans le jeu


Could you record a video demonstrating this?


never mind, found out what the issue is. will address it