Create Big Cannons

Create Big Cannons


Imprecise Cannon movement with Sequenced Gearshift

Pecant-Pie opened this issue ยท 1 comments


When moving a cannon using the cannon mount or yaw controller, the RPM has a significant effect on the actual degrees moved, even when a sequenced gearshift set to 90 degrees is used in all cases.

Specifically, inputting 90 degrees at 8 RPM moves the cannon 12 degrees, 16 RPM moves the cannon 12.6 degrees, but at 32 RPM it moves 14.4 degrees.

This factor is also different depending on the degrees moved. 45 degrees at 8 RPM moves the cannon 6.3 degrees, instead of the 6 I would expect.

This makes it very hard to use the Sequenced Gearshift CC: Tweaked peripheral implementation to aim cannons. If this is unintended behavior I would greatly appreciate a fix.


Should have already been addressed here: #420