Create: Connected

Create: Connected


Linked transmitter mulfunction

tawan256 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


When linked transmitter is attatched to button, it won't display an item frequency. Also, when pressed, reciever in the same frequency won't stop recieving signal until transmitter's broken

Create connected 0.5.1
MC 1.19.2


The issue with buttons is limited to stone buttons in 1.18/1.19 only and is caused by an API change from MC 1.19.2 to 1.20.1. The fix will be released in the next update.

The issue with the analog lever happens in all versions and needs further investigation. You can only decrease its power when you are not holding anything. Analog levers have also been fixed. This is due to linked analog levers not being registered in ItemUseOverrides.


Another issue, when attatched to analog lever, it's power level can't be decreased


Both fixes are released in 0.6