Create: Diesel Generators

Create: Diesel Generators


Problem with Pumpjack

Relikthanuta opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I recently built a pumpjack to get some Crude Oil. After I connected everything to my 2 steam engines with max rpm (256) on the pump crank (set up to be the large one) I wanted to watch the fuel tank i connected to it rise. but i then saw that it only produced about 2-3mb per pump. Did I do something wrong?

I built it on height 174
mod version is 2.1.4
Minecraft version: 1.20.1
Fabric version 0.16.9

edit: I tried it in creative in an singleplayer world with another buidheight and it still outputs the same amount of oil.


2024-12-02_23 56 47


Just adding a comment for visibility, but I am having the same problem on a fabric server. Makes the mod unusable


Also having this issue, adding another comment for visibility.