Create: Diesel Generators

Create: Diesel Generators


[1.19.2] Pondering about modular engines brings up the entry for engine silencers (and a couple other minor issues)

vizthex123 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


It's so minor it's almost not worth reporting, but it did make me question if a scene was missing until I went to the next page and saw that there was an entry for the modular engine.

I also noticed that Plant Oil gives 48 RPM and 1,024 Stress Units even though it's really easy to get. I think having it being 32 RPM and 256 Stress Units would be a bit more balanced (or letting us configure each fluid rather than the vague "weak" and "strong" the config currently uses).

CraftTweaker support for fermenting basins and engines would also be lovely. CF page says nothing about it, so it seems like it's not implemented.


You can configure the stress output in the server config, the modular diesel engine is already fixed and the fix will be here in the next version, you can already make custom recipe types, just like create processing recipes are made, I don't know if craft tweaker supports custom recipe types like kubejs but it should not you can just add that in a datapack


You can configure the stress output in the server config, the modular diesel engine is already fixed and the fix will be here in the next version, you can already make custom recipe types, just like create processing recipes are made, I don't know if craft tweaker supports custom recipe types like kubejs but it should not you can just add that in a datapack

I'd vastly prefer CraftTweaker support as I have never been able to make a datapack work in-game (especially since nobody ever tells you the damn format for how to change stuff from their mod) nor been able to even begin to understand how tf KubeJS works (their docs are near-unreadable due to all the frontloading and it's annoying af).

But maybe I'm just a dumbass lol.

If the engine bug has been fixed already, that's fine. That and configs was why I made this report in the first place.

As I said though, you can't configure the stress or RPM output of each fluid individually - just a vague "strong" and "weak" which covers all 3. Individual control is what I'd want in the config to better enforce the progression I'd like in my pack if you guys would be willing to add it.


@vizthex123 tip for KubeJS, don't use the docs only, use the repo code also. Like, there you can literally see all usable methods/functions etc.


And for the datapack approach, just look inside the mod how their data folder is set up and copy over what you would want to change, to a datapack. You can see the content of a .jar with WinRAR for example.