Create: Dreams & Desires

Create: Dreams & Desires


Crash for 1.20.1 when loading into world - Occurs only when Mystical Agriculture + Cucumber Library (Dependency for MA) + Zeta (Dependency for Quark) are enabled together with Dreams and Desires

PanditoPie opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Versions (Prism Launcher says all mods are up to date):

  • Minecraft: 1.20.1
  • Forge: 47.3.12
  • Create: 0.5.1.j
  • Create Dreams & Desires: 0.1b. Release Early Dev
  • Mystical Agriculture: 7.0.15
  • Cucumber Library: 7.0.13
  • Zeta: 1.0-24

This crash occurs when trying to load into a new world with Mystical Agriculture + Cucumber Library (Dependency for MA) + Zeta (Dependency for Quark) enabled. I've tried several other combinations below, but it only appears to crash with Mystical + Zeta + D&D.

Here is what I've found while trying to reproduce the error:

  • Create Dreams and Desires + Zeta = No Crash

  • Create Dreams and Desires + Cucumber Lib = No Crash

  • Create Dreams and Desires + Cucumber Lib + Zeta = No Crash

  • Create Dreams and Desires + Mystical Agriculture + Cucumber Lib = No Crash

  • Create Dreams and Desires + Mystical Agriculture + Cucumber Lib + Zeta = Crashes

Here are the log/crash files:


very known issue


very known issue

Apologies I'm still new to Github, when searching I forgot to remove the "state:open" :(

But is there a different version I should be using, I see more versions on modrinth and also that you mentioned you were still working on a beta? ##96 (comment)


its currently only for 1.19.2 atm