Blocking design flaw of the experience rotor and no experience bucket
Vectrobe opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Minecraft Version
Describe the Bug
To convert any other experience fluids you need to use the experience rotor mixer recipe, however theres a major flaw with this as there is no bucket for this mod's liquid experience and thus using a smart pipe filter is not possible.
In addition, while the basin itself can automatically empty the correct liquid into another basin, for converting all into exp blocks, the mixer basin jams because it tries to empty the rotor into the next basin as well, but it cant, its not allowed to, and thus the first basin must be broken to re-obtain the rotor.
Reproduction Steps
try using the rotor recipe in the methods as described
Expected Result
You should be able to apply a filter to the smart pipe, but since this only accepts buckets and not exp bottles, you'll have to add buckets for every fluid in this mod to fix this, this is generally a necessary part when adding fluids to the game so im not sure why this isnt already the case? but thats not to say they need to be registered as placable fluid blocks, thats entirely seperate (but could also be done for some extra interaction features if you wish).
The basin to basin part however im unsure if you can fix without modifying create's own basin source, but if thats the case it should be forwarded to them
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Mod Version
Forge Version
neo 47.1.105