Create Enchantment Industry

Create Enchantment Industry


Banning certain enchantments from being able to be applied

DaytonaBlep opened this issue ยท 2 comments


The situation is this, in my modpack there is an OP enchantment from apotheosis, I removed it from everywhere, and give out only a couple of books for completing quests. The problem is that Blaze Enchanter can literally dupe these enchantments, allowing you to enchant everything with it.
This was not in my plan. How can I prohibit the use of this enchantment in Blaze Enchanter using built-in or third-party methods (for example using KubeJS)? Please help me.
Until I find a solution, I am forced to abandon this mod, but this mod is also very important for the modpack.


This is probably a duplicate of #120 and debatably #95, but yes, I strongly agree. I'm happy with the rest of how the mod works, but it does effectively mean you only need one of any enchantment book to use it infinitely across multiple blaze enchanters.

In my case I just need the ability to blacklist one enchantment from the mod entirely. I have the Indestructible enchantment in my pack. This removes durability loss on an item and works on just about any tools, weapons, armor, and Occultism ore miners. I've made the book an end game item with a very expensive crafting recipe, but I've also made a copy of it available through quest rewards. This means if anyone on a server is lucky enough to get their hands on one book fairly early, then they can just configure a bunch of enchanting guides and the whole server has infinite durability on everything they own.


Yeah, it seems to be a serious issue, I've worked on it a bit, still not completely happy, as I disabled the blaze enchanter, currently using the mod only to store and compact exp in liquid form. Still hoping for a filter list update.