Create Fabric

Create Fabric


No Iron Ore recipe for Crushing Wheels

llloyd4 opened this issue · 0 comments


Describe the Bug

Alright, so, while exploring the Spectrum added Deeper Dark I found a bunch of Black Slag Iron Ore. I went into REI and clicked it, hit "U" to pull up processing recipes, found other mods that could macerate or pulverize it but nothing for the Create Crushing Wheels. So I popped into the Spectrum Discord and posted it to their Bugs channel.

Rose Redfoxx — Yesterday at 2:22 AM
Odd, no Create crushing wheel integration for blackslag iron ore. But there is for Tech Reborn (Grinder), Modern Industralization ( Macerator) , Industrial Revolution ( Pulverizer), etc. //

Dafuqs — Today at 5:32 AM
Sounds like create does not use the correct tag (minecraft:iron_ores). That has to be fixed on their side

So... I'm just passing the message.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Obtain iron ore though either finding it in chests (like I did) or, presumably, silk touching up veins.
  2. Check REI for "U"ses and see the only missing processing recipe is the Crushing Wheels.


Expected Result

Unable to process iron ore unless I smelt it or build up another mod's tech tree far enough to build the appropriate machines.

Screenshots and Videos

No response

Crash Report or Log

No response

Operating System

Windows 10

Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Other Mods

Uh... All the Fabric 7 mod pack has over 300 mods, O.o

Additional Context

No response