Create Fabric

Create Fabric


Copycat Panel breaking particles are missing textures when Continuity is installed

MentoskaPraha opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Describe the Bug

The Copycat Panel block's breaking particles show missing textures when they are broken. This only occurs when the mod Continuity is installed.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Setup a fresh Fabric install with mods listed in other mods.
  2. Apply both resourcepacks provided by Continuity named: Glass Pain Culling Fix and Default Connected Textures, with Glass Pain Culling Fix being above Default Connected Textures in the resourcepack list.
  3. Create and join a new world
  4. Place down any Copycat block
  5. Break the placed copycat block, the break particle textures should now be missing

Expected Result

The Copycat Panel's breaking particles show the correct texture instead of the black and purple not found texture.

Screenshots and Videos

Observed Result


Expected Result


Crash Report or Log

Operating System

Arch Linux

Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Other Mods

Additional Context

It doesn't seem to occur when the resourcepacks with connected textures are disabled.
The issue also occurs with all the copycat blocks from Create: Copycats+, however it isn't caused by it.


search for your issue before creating one, this already has been fixed in dev.


Whoops. That's on me, sorry about that.