


Item Magnet Suggestion

AstralOrdana opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Not exactly an issue but I believe that an item magnet of some sort to pull in items from a greater distance than default would compliment the extended range of the Polished Rose Quartz tools very well.
Thanks for taking the time to read this!

(I just want to say I've had a tremendous amount of fun playing with this mod and I can't wait to see how it expands in the future!)


Item magnets are done and overdone by plenty of other mods. Are you sure Create should be adding its own?


I just felt that it would be a good fit, given the extended range of the quartz tools. If you don't like the idea of a traditional hand-held item magnet, what about an electromagnetic field generator block that draws items toward it when it receives rotation. The faster the speed input, the larger the range. This would cut down on the need for hoppers below item farms.


The block idea sounds to me exactly like how Fans work, give that a try.


Haha, didn't think of that. I was too stuck on how cool a magnetic field would be


Thanks for your suggestion, it has been added to our public submission sheet.