


[1.16.5] [minor issue] blocks that sawblade breaks do not give drops proper NBT data

Shibva opened this issue ยท 3 comments


so I was tinkering around with the sawblade to make cutting down large trees quicker and I noticed when I was using a pickerang from quark to collect the items droped that some of the items did not stack for some unknown reason

after some minor testing with advanced tooltips (because I know that tiems with different NBT data will not stack) that things that are broken by the sawblade drop items that lack the correct NBT data that would normally come with any item

while this seems to be an issue, it seesm that after selecting the item from within the inventory, it seems to update the block and gives it the NBT data. while this makes the issue minor and non important, this is still somewhat of a inconvience and annoyance and considering im using this with a mod pack, idk if another mod or if its the game itself reassining the missing NBT data

a fix for this would be nice so things can stack when they are collected and im unsure if the other blocks that can break items (like the plow and the drill) might do the same thihng


it should be noted that im currently using version 0.3.2f


update: the only way to fix this issue is not by what I said it was currently, but dropping the item seems to update it or something and gives it its missing NBT data


... im not even sure if this is an issue anymore,.. nvm