Crazy trains
CreeprVictor opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Describe the Bug
The trains will go back and forth at doubling speeds.
It started fine, but now if the train moves even a pixel forward, it will go backwards doubled, then forwards that doubled, this is to a extent tho, but either way, it goes back and forth like mad!
Reproduction Steps
Expected Result
Trains to not dance or go into hyperspace
Screenshots and Videos
Crash Report or Log
It didn't crash
Operating System
Windows 10
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
Other Mods
Optifine and Worldedit are the only 2 that matter, every mod I have other than create are client-side
Additional Context
It stared out just fine, It started when I used a blue blaze cage, then it started happening everywhere, I did close and reopen MC too