Potions with custom colors, descriptions, and/or lore do not preserve this data as a fluid.
Random832 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Describe the Bug
Potions with custom NBT preserve the effects tag but not any of the other tags [name, color, lore, hide flags]
Reproduction Steps
- Obtain a potion item with custom NBT, e.g. /give @p minecraft:potion{CustomPotionEffects:[{Id:24,Duration:12000}],CustomPotionColor:16448000,display:{Name:'"Luma"',Lore:['"A glowstone extract."']},HideFlags:32} - this is a vanilla feature, and potions like this appear in dungeon loot added by some mods.
- Drain the bottle with item drain
- Transfer the fluid to a spout and refill the bottle
Expected Result
Resulting bottle should be substantially the same as the original bottle. While in fluid form, fluid should be the same color as the original potion and should display with the custom name. Instead, CustomPotionEffects is preserved but all other tags are lost. While in fluid form, the potion has a color assigned by Minecraft's default particle color algorithm based on the effects, but with the custom color tag lost the bottle shows up in purple.
Screenshots and Videos
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Operating System
Windows 10
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
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Additional Context
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Unfortunately, this is very unlikely to be fixed. Fluids in Minecraft / Forge do not officially support additional NBT data, though some mods hack around this in various ways, with many limitations. Adding such additional data to a fluid would likely be more trouble than it's worth.
They support it fine in inventory form [in a FluidStack object] and it is inherent to how potion fluids work, this would just be more tags on top of the ones already supported [at least three already supported - CustomPotionEffects as my testing showed, the Potion tag used for standard potions, and the bottle type tag specific to Create potion fluids]. They're not easy to support in an in-world fluid, but AIUI you can't actually put potions in the world [like, just putting a bucket of potion in a hole] for that reason. So that's not really relevant to this issue.