[Crash] Exit code: -1
Dhazzo opened this issue ยท 10 comments
Describe the Bug
Well, unfortunately i just lost my map, i hope you guys can help me with this.
Launch Minecraft
Select Map
Reading world data
Join World
- For some reason the game saves before crash!
Exit immediatly
Error Description:
The game crashed whilst unexpected error
Error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.util.ArrayList.stream()" because "this.keys" is null
Exit code: -1
Is there anything i can do, any file i can edit to change this error?
I have trying messing arround, and with some luck i had recover some region of the map.
It was weird because i was able to load some of the builds, but were partialy recover and in different places, others don't show, but then i lost it again and im not able to even do it again.
I dont mind if there are outplaced, i just want to recover what i can from that map.
And ya... i just started playing this game, i didnt expect to be a victim of no backup, learning worst way i guess.
Reproduction Steps
1.Open Map
Expected Result
The build was awesome, i didnt expect to crash i guess!
Screenshots and Videos
No response
Crash Report or Log
No response
Operating System
Windows 11
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
Other Mods
Additional Context
No response
Well i manage to download the nbtExplorer and i feel kinda out of hope to be honest, i can join the map now.
I delete the belt contraption which was causing the crash, on entities folder, and was kinda happy, because i saw that all building was there.
But when i go in, the respective build i wanted to load it didnt and then i back to look again, i saw that all entries were there, but no XYZ coordenates. I think somehow the game lost the info, because the crash was during the rotation of a mecha bear.
to be honest with my limited knowledge, the only way to recover this i think is load during the rotation...
Im kinda new at this, if do you guys have any sugestion.
Maybe im just saying nosense...
Worth trying but nothing happens, it still crash's before entering the map.
#Server configuration settings
#Set this to true to remove any BlockEntity that throws an error in its update method instead of closing the server and reporting a crash log. BE WARNED THIS COULD SCREW UP EVERYTHING USE SPARINGLY WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES.
removeErroringBlockEntities = true
Is this the option u mention?
Thanks for the tip.
Have you tried updating flywheel? And do you have a backup of the world BEFORE you used nbt explorer?
Flywheel i have the last version atleast from
Yes, i have a backup.
Your world folder should have a forge-server.cfg file (might have a different name) and it should have an option called "remove erroring entities". Turn that on, boot the server, load your world and turn it back off again
Same problem, I also used NBT explorer to try and fix this, but I don't know what tile entity or entity to look for. It looks like a conveyor belt also crashed my game as well.
And this happened when i tried to glue a belt to a train and run it with a creative motor.
I found a way to fix it with NBT explorer. It makes the process a lot easier if you know where the conveyors were that crashed the game.
step 1:
Go into the entities folder
step 2:
find the region and chunk you think the conveyors were located in.
step 3:
If the belts are part of a contraption, you might want to use the search feature and search for the value "create:belt" to find your contraption.
delete the belt entities close to the position where you thought the belt was. If it still crashes, then try deleting belts you find in other chunks, or deleting all the belts in this chunk.
If you can't find the chunk with the belts in it, you can try deleting all the belts in the world.
Keep in mind, it took me 2 hours to find and delete the specified belts, but it did give me my world back.