Hovering over Create Wrench Crashes game
AllDiagram4276 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Hello so I am playing on my server(Game version:1.16.5, Forge Version:36.2.39)
Create mod version:0.3.2g
Create Crafts & Additions:1.16.5-20220129a
Create Deco:1.1.2-1.16.5
So I am not sure if there is an update for this version of the game at this very moment (will double check of course) but whenever I look in JustEnoughItems the tooltip gives me an error "tooltip error, see log". Whenever i had the physical item or simply have the crafting recipe in the crafting table and go to hover over the finished product it crashes me. (I have NotEnoughCrashes) so it doesn't full crash just to title screen however doesn't give me reason. I will get latest crash report and log if that is required
I am not sure if these help just let me know, Thank You