create drills can break unbreakable waystones
kuba26038 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Describe the Bug
the waystones mod has a config option to enable unbreakable naturally generated waystones. when this option is enabled, the player cannot destroy waystones found in structures or in the wild, but for whatever reason the create drills can.
Reproduction Steps
- install both the waystones mod and create
- enable the naturally generated waystones are unbreakable config option in the waystones config
- find a naturally generated waystone (i suggest using the https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/towers-of-the-wild-reworked-datapack to do that easily)
- attempt breaking them using a drill
Expected Result
the waystone shouldn't be breakable by the drill
Screenshots and Videos
Crash Report or Log
No response
Operating System
Windows 10
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
Other Mods
Additional Context
No response
It would also be nice if a maximum harvest level could be set. Right now, a player can mine every block that isn't hardness = -1 as soon as they get a Mechanical Bearing. A pack developer would have to change the recipes of bearings and drills to require whatever pickaxe has the highest harvest level in the pack, or simply not use harvest levels as a gating mechanic at all.
The maximum harvest level config could be combined with additional drills that are identical to the default but mine blocks faster and have (by default) higher harvest levels. For example, Iron Mechanical Drill, Diamond Mechanical Drill, Netherite Mechanical Drill, etc. These could be more Create-themed by being based on the casing -- Brass Mechanical Drill, Sturdy Mechanical Drill, etc.