Fluid tank buggs out when attatching a steam engine.
Thurug96 opened this issue ยท 11 comments
Describe the Bug
I have manually filled a tank/boiler with water to get it started. But when i attatch a steam engine the tank shows as empty. And if i want to start the engine it only works when i fill it with buckets in creative mode. Is this a bug that is a result of my mod list or is it a bug that you know of?
Reproduction Steps
1.build boiler
2.attatch steam engine
3.look at result
Expected Result
That the tank won't show as empty when attatching a steam engine.
Screenshots and Videos
Crash Report or Log
No response
Operating System
Windows 10
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
Other Mods
Additional Context
No response
Any news on this? Literally can't play the mod with this bug. Any workarounds you've found @Landrozaum @Thurug96 ?
Edit: Ok so, after some bug testing. This seems to be caused by changing the size of the fluid tank when a steam engine is attached. This will then bug out the boiler entity/or steam engine?, and it will only start back up if you remove the steam engine, and place it back down. Playing Create on Fabric, haven't tested in Forge.
0:00 - 00:28 = Running fine
00:28 - 00:35 = Add new layer to boiler
00:35 = Remove the added layer, to go back to original setup.
00:45 - 1:06 = Contraption no longer works.
1:06 - Reattach steam engine, works again.
Video: gfycat com/criminalgentleicelandgull
Having the same issue on create fabric 0.5.0.i in single player. If I leave the world and come back, the boiler suddenly has water in it and it starts working again.
it's a common bug that has been encountered many times, to fix it you can just reload the world or remove 1 block of the fluid tank and then place it again. This should update the steam engine and let it work again and this bug occurs if the fluid tank is bigger then a 2x2 grid starting with 3x3 it Bugs out. It doesn't matter if it is the fabric port of create or the original forge version both have the same bug and also this bugs happens on Minecraft 1.19.x versions too and is still persistent on 0.5.0.i
here a Video of a German Youtuber that encountered it and also explains how to fix it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTs74bjnJpA
Having the same issue on create fabric 0.5.0.i in single player. If I leave the world and come back, the boiler suddenly has water in it and it starts working again.
Also encountered this bug on a fabric 1.19.2 server. Nothing can be done to make any steam engine work. Neither the 2x2 nor 3x3 works. Restarting the server or simply rejoining does nothing.