


Schematic Cannon doesn't place Domum Ornamentum NBT data properly

JustJinxed opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Describe the Bug

When saving a schematic of a building that contains Domum Ornamentum blocks and then deploying it, the blocks become made of other materials. Suspect missing NBT data, perhaps?

Reproduction Steps

  1. Create a build that contains various Domum Ornamentum block
  2. Use a Schematic and Quil to define an area surrounding the build and give it name
  3. Use a blank schematic in the table and select said name.nbt
  4. Place proper Domum Ornamentum blocks in chest next to cannon, load and press play

Expected Result

Example: Oak Planks + Paper Extra, as Right Left Crossed should come out of the cannon as the same, but instead comes out as another material all together. (In my case it came Deepslate Bricks + Vertical Jungle Planks)
Completely changing the block originally placed into the chest for the build into something else.

Screenshots and Videos

No response

Crash Report or Log

No response

Operating System

Windows 10

Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Other Mods

No Crash: Using Modpack Direwolf20 ver 1.8.0

Additional Context

No response


Same issue please someone look into it.


Same issue. can this be looked into


they need to tag it with the safe_nbt tag create provides create:safe_nbt


Took a look at the NBT data, and it seems the schematic is recording it (properly?) but it might be the cannon that's having the trouble?


Even with the tag it still happens.
Using version 0.5.1.i on 1.19.2.
I used datapack to add the tag create:safe_nbt.
When pasting the buildings via creative mode it's alright,
When using schematic cannon each block gets randomized.