Bulk Washing Time Does Not Update After Stacks Combine
Riewest opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Describe the Bug
First off, sorry if this has been reported already, did a quick search and didn't see anything.
If you drop a stack of 64 gravel in a simple bulk washing setup it takes ~28 seconds
If you drop 4 stacks of 16 gravel, which then combine into a stack of 64 it takes ~7 seconds
Seems like as the small sized stacks combine they should take the same amount of time as a full stack as all it takes to get around this is a chute which drops 16 blocks at a time.
If this is intended behavior, then sorry for the bug report.
Reproduction Steps
- Bulk Washing Setup (Encased fan 16 RPM)
- Drop a stack of 64 gravel. See time to wash is ~28 seconds
- Setup Chute with Chest to drop 64 gravel. See wash is ~7 seconds
Expected Result
As stacks combine up to full size the wash time should increase
Screenshots and Videos
Crash Report or Log
No response
Operating System
Windows 11
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
Other Mods
Storage Drawers 10.2.1
Additional Context
No response