Unable to load MC properly
Ryantrum opened this issue ยท 4 comments
The blank window shows up for a couple of frames then nothing happens. Cursed forge says minecraft is running.
It would be awesome if you could fill the bug report template.
I just tried loading it without FLywheel selected, because on Curse there seems to be no version for 1.19.2, and it worked. Maybe Flywheel has been integrated?
Good job finding out this, as mentioned on the CurseForge page, Flywheel is integrated thus no longer required since 1.19.2. ^^
When installing mods manually, make sure to add [Flywheel](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/flywheel) to the mods folder alongside it. (This only affects 1.18.2 and below)