Mechanical arm forgets targets after being moved by mechanical piston
PORTB opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Describe the Bug
When a mechanical arm is moved using a mechanical piston, the targets of the mechanical arm are erased, even if the mechanical arm is still in range of the targets, or the arm is moved out of range and back into range.
Reproduction Steps
- Set up a mechanical arm with some targets, like this
(The gearshift and lever is used to control the piston for demonstration) - Move the mechanical arm and all targets will be erased
This also happens when using a longer piston extension pole to move the arm out of range, and then back into range:
Setup is exactly the same as above except with a longer piston extension pole. Results are exactly the same.
Expected Result
The arm should retain its targets when moved by a mechanical piston and should be able to function, as long as the targets are in range. Moving the arm out of range should not erase the targets.
Screenshots and Videos
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Crash Report or Log
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Operating System
Windows 10
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
Other Mods
Roughly enough items
Additional Context
This also happens on create v0.3.2g in 1.16.5 (create above and beyond).
The arm remembers the targets if they are also part of (glued to) the moving contraption