If create used with Oculus, then crash appears
TouhouRyujin opened this issue ยท 11 comments
Describe the Bug
If create used with Oculus, then crash appears. If you delete Oculus or Create, game will not crash. That mean that this two mods now is incompatible.
Reproduction Steps
1.Download Oculus and Create
2.Create world and join it
3. Break chest and game instantly crashes
Expected Result
Game need to work fine when
Screenshots and Videos
No response
Crash Report or Log
No response
Operating System
Windows 10
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
Other Mods
Additional Context
No response
My game was crashing with an access violation whenever i tried to brake something like a flower that was clipping through the tracks. I fixed it by removing Oculus.
Please upload your crash report
the odd thing (at least when I get this bug) is that we don't get a crash report
i only have fml crash report, because when game crashes there is no report
Please upload your crash report
when the game crashes it does not create a crash report, it is by purely discarding mods that one realizes it, in my case I can only give my logs
The problem occurs with Rubidium, rather than Oculus (which needs Rubidium to work).
Here's my fml crash report, the crash is happening while using Create with Rubidium on Void Linux with Java 17.0.5 and glibc 2.32.
Also, I'm getting the same crash on two different computers (both running Void Linux):
- a PC with AMD FX-8350 and GTX 1060 3gb (the attached report is from this machine)
- A laptop with Ryzen 7 (I don't remember the model, sorry) with integrated video
I get this frequently with rubidium installed, the client crashes as soon as I punch a Create block. If I break the block a different way, like with the Pickarang, it doesn't crash.
Currently this is the only mod, out of almost 300 other installed mods, which crashes with Rubidium. I'm not saying that this is Create's fault, rather than Rubidium's, I simply don't know, but I hope you guys can take a look at this. Create is amazing, I simply cannot imagine a modpack without it, and without Rubidium I have an enormous performance drop. I've opened an issue on Rubidium's repository as well.
Seems like it was ATM8 specific problem after all, and it has been solved:
I think this issue can be closed
In my case, the problem is gone
I only have about 10 mods installed and still get crashes like I described in my last comment
Me and my friend have the same bug on Windows 11, here are the two crash reports ("hs_err_pidXXXXX"):
my friend's hs_err_pid