Minor gripes with the potato cannon
twu425 opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Describe the Bug
Version of Minecraft: 1.18.2
Version of create (fabric): 0.5.0 e
Version of create (forge): 0.5.0 f
Sweet berries and its chocolate variant launches three projectiles when used as ammo in the potato cannon, but when all three hit one entity at once it only does the damage of one. Using my best judgement, I believe this to be a consequence of the brief invulnerability minecraft's mobs get when being hit. This occurs on both fabric and forge.
- According to the wiki, by dual wielding potato cannons and using fast firing ammo it is possible to hit enemies when
they are in their brief immunity phase, creating a similar issue. I was able to recreate this consistently. -
When firing the potato cannon on the forge version the projectile will pass through the mob you are trying to hit if you are too close (like in the block in front of you).
- A similar thing occurs on the fabric version. The potato cannon's projectiles don't any damage if it's used too close to
the target. The projectile appears to summon properly and hits the target, but it doesn't do anything.
Reproduction Steps
- Fire sweet berries or it's chocolate variant with the potato cannon and have all 3 of the projectiles hit the same entity
- Fire the potato cannon at anything within <~1 block or so
Expected Result
I expect that a 3 of the projectiles fired from the potato cannon when firing sweet berries to be able to apply damage at once, so that when you fire at a mob and all three berries hit it should do a total of 9 damage instead of 3.
I expect that the potato cannon should be able to hit something that is directly in front of you
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Operating System
Windows 11
Mod Version
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Forge Version
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