Forbidden and Arcanus Broken Recipes/Mod Compat
ModernGamingWorld opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Currently I reported a issues about their recipes being broken and come to find out that its on this mod to fix them
it's easy to fix the stripped cherry recipe because there was just a typo in it where when it says stripped_cherrywood it should be stripped_cherry_log
and for planks it should be cherry_planks and not cherrywood_planks.
another wrong recipie is the "mystery wood" recipie whitch I think was supossd to be the Aurum wood whitch would make it a bit of a hasle to fix but it's doable later I can send the files with fixed names
Ok I made a fixed version for create mod 1.19.2-0.5.1.c
just sended the whole mod because thought u will only be interested in that.
fixed version.zip
Also this is just the folder with fixed reciepies
Hope this helps!