Sequenced assembly recipes transfer progress
secretmeister opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Describe the Bug
When attempting to make on custom sequenced assembly recipe, On the last step it changes tot he last step of a different sequenced assembly recipe.
Reproduction Steps
- Make these two custom recipes with crafttweaker+createtweaker:
recipetype:create:sequenced_assembly.registerRecipe("rollingmill", (rb) => {
rb.addOutput(item:createaddition:rolling_mill, 1);
rb.addStep<mods.createtweaker.PressingRecipe>((rb1) => rb1.duration(100));
rb.addStep<mods.createtweaker.DeployerApplicationRecipe>((rb1) => rb1.require(item:tconstruct:large_plate.withTag({Material: "tconstruct:wood" as string})));
rb.addStep<mods.createtweaker.DeployerApplicationRecipe>((rb1) => rb1.require(item:tconstruct:large_plate.withTag({Material: "tconstruct:wood" as string})));
rb.addStep<mods.createtweaker.DeployerApplicationRecipe>((rb1) => rb1.require(item:create:shaft));
rb.addStep<mods.createtweaker.DeployerApplicationRecipe>((rb1) => rb1.require(item:create:shaft));
recipetype:create:sequenced_assembly.registerRecipe("gearbox", (rb) => {
rb.addOutput(item:create:gearbox, 1);
rb.addStep<mods.createtweaker.CuttingRecipe>((rb1) => rb1.duration(100));
rb.addStep<mods.createtweaker.DeployerApplicationRecipe>((rb1) => rb1.require(item:create:shaft));
rb.addStep<mods.createtweaker.DeployerApplicationRecipe>((rb1) => rb1.require(item:create:cogwheel));
}); - Attempt to make a rolling mill
- At step five, notice that that should be the last step of the mill, but then needs a cogwheel
- Deploy cogwheel and get a gearbox for some reason
Expected Result
It should go through with the rolling mill recipe, but instead switches to the recipe for a gearbox
Screenshots and Videos
File is too big, here is a link to a drive file of it
Crash Report or Log
No response
Operating System
Windows 10 pro
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
Other Mods
Createtweaker, Crafttweaker, Create Additions, and a lot of other create addons
Additional Context
Probably has something to do with the fact that at step 5 of both of them, they require a shaft