Connected Textures Not Working
SesameSlayer opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Describe the Bug
Block textures are not connecting. Everything is functionally the same, and windows are appearing in the correct positions on tanks. Is this my fault, or this mod's fault? The issue persists even without any resource packs, so it is not caused by them. I have Optifine version OptiFine_1.19.1_HD_U_H9.
Reproduction Steps
- Get create mod.
- Place blocks with connected textures next to one another.
- The blocks do not connect.
Expected Result
I would have expected the block textures to connect to one another.
Screenshots and Videos
Crash Report or Log
No response
Operating System
Windows 10
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
Other Mods
Additional Context
No response
I actually got that afterwards, but here's the site: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/create-connected-block-textures
it's connected textures also don't work, so I think it relies on create's connected textures.