Ridiculous Log Spam (and lag) due to Striated World Gen
DerCommander323 opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Describe the Bug
Whenever you're generating new chunks while having a non-default create-common.toml (meaning some world gen changes have been made), create will cause a ton of log spam and (cascading?) world gen lag.
During new chunk generation, the line:
[<date/time>] [Worker-Main7/ERROR] [net.minecraft.Util/]: Detected setBlock in a far chunk [<chunk coords>], pos: MutableBlockPos{<block coords>}, status: minecraft:features, currently generating: Placed Reference{ResourceKey[minecraft:worldgen/configured_feature / create:striated_ores_overworld]=Configured: com.simibubi.create.foundation.worldgen.LayeredOreFeature@59e6fb8a: com.simibubi.create.foundation.worldgen.ConfigDrivenLayeredOreFeatureConfiguration@4dc417e4}
is printed to the latest.log file multiple times per microsecond.
This results in massive log sizes (currently in testing, I reached 1gb within ~5 Minutes, with only moving a big distance once and then waiting) and very slow world generation.
This issue however only seems to occur when having modified create's the world generation config. (i havent tested exactly what causes it, but it's certainly within the range limits)
To make sure this is actually create's doing, I have tested this on a fresh instance containing only create, flywheel, smooth boot reloaded and JEI.
is attached below.
Reproduction Steps
- Install Forge 40.1.85
- Add Create 0.5.0e
- Make changes to the create-common.toml file in the config directory
- Generate new Chunks
- See log and lag
Expected Result
There to be no log spam
Screenshots and Videos
The create-common.toml
config file used during testing contained the following:
Crash Report or Log
https://mclo.gs/7rk5Yqv (a part of the log, due to it being way too long to upload, it just goes on and on)
Operating System
Windows 10
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
Other Mods
Just Enough Items (JEI) - jei-1.18.2-
Smooth Boot (Reloaded) - smoothboot(reloaded)-mc1.18.2-0.0.1.jar
Additional Context
No response
After some more testing, this seems to be based around the clusterSize values for the striated veins. Putting them (for both overworld and nether) at 33 doesnt cause the issue, however a value of 39 does.
I appear to be seeing similar results on my new 1.20 file I created for testing. I have not altered and of the create files personally (I have installed some addons though)