


Fluid losses when pulling from multiple tanks on a train

Absolute-Potato opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Describe the Bug

I have a train car with a bunch of single block fluid tanks in a row and when I pull fluid out of it, I only get ~half of what I put into it.

Reproduction Steps

  1. Create a train car with multiple fluid tanks and fill them
  2. Attempt to drain the tanks with a portable fluid interface
  3. Lose >50% of your fluid

Notably, I don't lose any when filling and draining from only a single fluid tank.

Expected Result

I expect to get all the fluid out of a train that I put into it

Screenshots and Videos


Crash Report or Log

No response

Operating System

Linux (Ubuntu 22.04.01 LTS)

Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Other Mods

Create Flavored 4.1 Modpack

Additional Context

No response


1.19 here, having a similar issue but the other way around
if i'm pulling a single fluid into multiple tanks it multiplies the amount of fluid i get (e.g if i have 1,000mb of honey on a train and try transferring it into two tanks i'll get 2,000mb of honey in one tank)


experienced this in create:mekanized, 1.19.2

using mekanism pipes to load/unload from the fluid interfaces causes no loss
using create pipes to load the fluid interface causes no loss
create pipes to pull from the interface voids fluid (88 buckets filled, 24.11 buckets emptied)

i reckon something's fucked with the create pipes/pumps


Same problem on 1.19.2. Not much more to add other than that it still exists on 1.19.
Create 0.5.0i
Forge 43.2.4


are the honey tanks on different carriages?


The issue also exists in version 0.5.1b (1.19.2)!


this issue still exists in 1.20.1 as well, create version 0.5.1d. Forge version 47.1.0, without any other mods installed


this issue still exists in 1.20.1 as well, create version 0.5.1f. Forge version 47.2.17, without any other mods installed


Thought I'll post additional encounter of the bug "in the wild" since I'm interested in trying it on my server, but plan to use the train tankers heavily.
Poster of the video encounters this problem at 15 minute and 30 seconds mark, where large part of the concrete disappears as it is poured, and later elaborates on this bug at
11 minute and 30 seconds mark in this video, where he comes to the conclusion that it happens with every fluid that is transferred out of the tanks on his transport train.
Hope that helps with finding the solution, since recreation of the issue is rather clearly demonstrated on the video.


The bug persists on version 1.20.1.