Any potion using thick potion as a brewing ingredient recipe is broken
XiaoKe89 opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Describe the Bug
The recipe for any potion that using a thick potion as an ingredient is broken. For example when viewing the recipe for a hunger potion from Cyclic in JEI it shows the recipe is 1 rotten flesh and "Uncraftable Potion" this should instead be a "thick Potion" the recipe for Thick potion is there but for some reason it isn't putting the thick potion as the crafting ingredient and is instead putting "uncraftable potion". I haven't tried manually doing it but this becomes a problem if you are trying to do automation with Refined Storage or Applied Energistics since you can't manually put the potion into the recipe grid you have to use the JEI move items function.
Reproduction Steps
- Look up any potion recipe that uses a thick potion as a brewing ingredient in JEI
- Check the Create brewing recipe for that potion
Expected Result
The brewing recipe should be Thick potion + (other crafting ingredient) = (Desired Potion)
As an example Potion of Hunger should be Rotten Flesh + Thick Potion = Potion of Hunger
Screenshots and Videos
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Crash Report or Log
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Operating System
Windows 11
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
Other Mods
I have a bunch of other mods installed, Cyclic is the main one that runs into this issue since it is the one that uses the thick potion as a crafting ingredient. If you need the full list of mods let me know
Additional Context
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