[1.19.2] Latest version of the mods crashes my game
MasterTrollTNT opened this issue · 18 comments
Describe the Bug
Everytime I launch a world with the latest version of create 1.19.2 (create-1.19.2-0.5.0.g.jar), my game crashes with the output code : -1073740940
Xhen I launch the game with the exact same mods but with the version create-1.19.2-0.5.0.f.jar, the game works perfectly
What do I do ?
Reproduction Steps
- Installed all the mods enlisted
2.updated Create from create-1.19.2-0.5.0.f.jar to create-1.19.2-0.5.0.g.jar
3.Launched a world (old and created a new one, same result)
4.Game crashed
Expected Result
No more crashing of the game
Screenshots and Videos
Crash Report or Log
No response
Operating System
Windows 10
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
Other Mods
List of the mods are in the screenshots
Additional Context
No response
I can confirm the same exact problem. It seems to only be upgrading to create No optifine installed and it I've tried both combinations of the download from the curseforge files.
So the problem is just with Create alone or it just crashes with precise mods ?
In my case I tried only the CREATE & FLYWHEEL mods and it crashes after one second of entering the world.
Confirm @pizzamagician, after setting this configuration the game does not crash.
is that it ?
2022-12-15 20-59-00.zip
here's a video of me launching the game with the latest Create update
Log Crash.txt
here's the log of the crash (I think)
I appear to be having the same issue, and no crash report is generated and latest.log always just simply cuts off without anything printed that points to what is crashing (had to disable all mods and slowly re-add them to discover it was create), just cuts off mid line of something innocuous. Sometimes the crash is upon loading the world, sometimes its shortly after. Here is my latest.log just in case it does in fact hide some hint as to the issue
Same problem here, but on the 1.18.2 version.
I thought it was because I was using Adoptium Java 17, so I returned to the normal Java, but the problem still persists.
same problem, but in my case there is a crash report. When you log in to the server, only the game crashes, and the server remains running. The game does not crash in all worlds. In the mod file there is a file "create.mixins.json", I deleted the line
And in my case it helped
But I do not know what this line was doing, and therefore I am afraid to continue playing, you never know if it will ruin my progress in the world
And I also don't know if it will help anyone, I found my solution by digging into the crash report.