Moving Contraptions Disappear After Reloading World
UltrascatterRED opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Describe the Bug
Sometimes (but not always), when I exit a Minecraft world that contains Create contraptions that are actively in motion and later return to the world, some or all moving parts completely vanish, as though I never built the contraption(s).
Reproduction Steps
- Make a contraption using a mechanical bearing or other movable attachment point
- Leave it in motion and quit out of the world
- Reenter the world and see if any parts of the machine vanished
Expected Result
Any moving contraptions within a machine may disappear when quitting and reentering a world.
Screenshots and Videos
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Crash Report or Log
No response
Operating System
Windows 10
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
Other Mods
Appleskin; Archer's Paradox; Artifacts; AutoRegLib; Better Combat; Blueprint; Bottle your Xp; Champions; Cloth Config API; Clumps; CoFH Core; Collective; Combat Roll; Construction Wand; Corpse; Create Big Cannons; Create Deco; Create: Alloyed; Curios API; Dusk; Enhanced Celestials; Epic Knights: Shields, Armor and Weapons; Eureka! Airships!; ExpandAbility; Farmer's Delight; Fast Leaf Decay; Flywheel; GeckoLib; Guard Villagers; Guns Without Roses; Improved Mobs; Infernal Expansion; JourneyMap; Just Enough Items; Kotlin for Forge; Mouse Tweaks; Mowzie's Mobs; Music Triggers; Neat; playerAnimator; Portable Crafting Table; Quark; Savage & Ravage; Shield Parry; Spice of Life: Sweet Potato Edition; TenshiLib; Valkyrien Skies; Vein Mining; When Dungeons Arise; YUNG'S API; YUNG'S Better Desert Temples; YUNG'S Better Dungeons; YUNG'S Better Mineshafts; YUNG'S Better Strongholds; YUNG's Bridges; YUNG's Extras
Additional Context
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