Instant Crash with Create
JM4877 opened this issue ยท 11 comments
Describe the Bug
Whenever playing Create for 1.19.2 and loading onto either a singleplayer world or a server with Create, my game will crash either instantly or within a few minutes.
Reproduction Steps
- Launch Minecraft with Create
- Create world / join server with Create
- Crash immediately upon loading the world, or within a few minutes
Expected Result
Game crash either immediately or within a few minutes of loading a world.
Screenshots and Videos
No response
Crash Report or Log
Operating System
Windows 10
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
Other Mods
Additional Context
Within my friend group trying to play Create, only I have this issue. Their computers have Nvidia GPUs and Intel CPUs, while I have an AMD GPU and CPU. Might be related, including just to be safe.
It looks like several people are having this problem, including me. I also have an AMD CPU, so I'm in the same boat.
Here is a tutorial https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/121195896/209218833-e6fe9015-29cc-47e0-9786-7e8d41b12d64.mp4
first of all, thx for ur help. But the problem is, that the game crashs instantly after starting. so that i doesnt have the option to do this setting
If you disable flywheel's backend, it can fix the issue depending on the crash you are getting. I dont know what effect this has on multiplayer though
#4153 If you disable flywheel's backend, it can fix the issue depending on the crash you are getting. I dont know what effect this has on multiplayer though
what do u mean with flywheels backend?
I found a solution. go to AppData\Roaming\ .minecraft\config and there is a file called fywheel-client.
Open that with notepad or whatever you have and change backend setting to "OFF" (backend = "OFF").
I'm having the same exact issue. Hope this gets fixed soon, because I really want to use Create!
I found a solution. go to AppData\Roaming\ .minecraft\config and there is a file called fywheel-client. Open that with notepad or whatever you have and change backend setting to "OFF" (backend = "OFF").
This fixed it for me! Thank you!
Duplicate of Engine-Room/Flywheel#164.