Schematics does not save command block commands
freerig opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Describe the Bug
Schematics does not save command block commands.
Finally yes, but only when you click on "Save and Upload immediately". But when loading a schematic from a file, there are no commands in the command block.
Reproduction Steps
- Save a schematic with somme commands blocks whith the "save" button (and no the "Save and Upload immediately" button)
- Upload the schematic in an empty with the Schematic Table
- Print it
- Note that the commands blocks are empty
- Excuse my english
Expected Result
The commands blocks should have contained their commands
Screenshots and Videos
No response
Crash Report or Log
No response
Operating System
Windows 10
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
40.1.92 (server) and 40.1.86 (client)
Other Mods
A lot (this is not a mod)
I list the create addons :
- CC:C Bridge
- Create: Steam 'n Rails
Additional Context
It's in an Aternos 1.18.2 server with Forge 40.1.92