[1.18.2, Forge] minecraft:water tag used on all Create Fluids
HonzaVinCZ opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Describe the Bug
tag minecraft:water is used on all Create Fluids (Honey and Chocolate). The problem is that other mods use general minecraft:water tag in their machine proccessing recipes. So you can make potions, steam, chemicals, various foods out of both chocolate and honey. I'm not saying that Minecraft is not a creative game but I think we all can agree on that this one is unnecessary feature.
Reproduction Steps
- Open game with Create and any other technology mod (Tested: Immersive Engineering, Immersive Petroleum, Mekanism, Thermal Expansion)
- Create a new world, open inventory and using JEI search "$water"
- Hit U on any of shown fluids - unnecessary machine processing shows up.
Expected Result
Tag minecraft:water should not be used for non-water fluids.
Screenshots and Videos
Here are screenshots of Create Big Cannons fluid but the same applies for Create which fluids (chocolate and honey) are visible in JEI under search "$water".
Create Big Cannons were already notified and they fix their tags in next update.
Crash Report or Log
No response
Operating System
Windows 11
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
Other Mods
Thermal Foundation
Thermal Expansion
Immersive Engineering
Immersive Petroleum
Additional Context
No response