Heavy Damage Attribute Filter not working
Flemmli97 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Describe the Bug
The attribute item filter for heavy damage items does not work. It only detects items that are pass their breaking point.
Reproduction Steps
- give an item with lots of damage e.g. via /give @p diamond_sword{Damage:1500}. diamond sword has 1561 durability
- give an item with lots "over" damage e.g. via /give @p diamond_sword{Damage:1600}
- The attribute filter will not display the "heavy damaged item" attribute for 1. but for 2. it will
- Furthermore this is not just a visual error as selecting that attribute via 2. and putting it in any filterable contraption will not detect 1.
Expected Result
heavy damaged item detecting items with high durability damage
Screenshots and Videos
Crash Report or Log
No response
Operating System
Pop os
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
Other Mods
no other mods
Additional Context
flywheel (if relevant): 0.6.8
close cause #4216