Flying kick while some entities on a contraption
kadirac opened this issue · 0 comments
Describe the Bug
When connected to a server with flying disabled and riding some entities (horses, Automobility vehicles, likely others) on a stationary contraption (and possibly others), players will be kicked with the message "Flying is not enabled on this server" after a few seconds. This bug does not happen with minecarts or boats.
Reproduction Steps
- Connect to a server
- Build a basic stationary contraption (e.g. a stone block on a mechanical bearing on a creative motor)
- Put a tamed horse or Automobility vehicle on the contraption; ride either one
- Wait a few seconds
Expected Result
A flying kick should not have occurred
Screenshots and Videos
Crash Report or Log
No response
Operating System
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
n/a (Quilt 0.18.1-beta.23)
Other Mods
(I don't think these are relevant)
[✔] architectury-6.4.62-fabric
[✔] automobility-0.4.1+1.19.2-fabric
[✔] badpackets-fabric-0.2.1
[✔] cc-restitched-1.101.2
[✔] cloth-config-8.2.88-fabric
[✔] consistency_plus-fabric-0.5.1+1.19.2
[✔] create-fabric-1.19.2-0.5.0f-776
[✔] createchunkloading-1.3.0-fabric
[✔] Decorative Blocks-fabric-1.19.2-3.0.0
[✔] emi-0.5.0+1.19.2
[✔] entityculling-fabric-1.5.2-mc1.19
[✔] fabric-language-kotlin-1.8.7+kotlin.1.7.22
[✔] fox_plushies-1.0.1+1.19
[✔] indium-1.0.9+mc1.19.2
[✔] journeymap-1.19.2-5.9.0beta4-fabric
[✔] lambdynamiclights-2.1.2+1.19
[✔] lithium-fabric-mc1.19.2-0.10.4
[✔] modmenu-4.1.2
[✔] ok_zoomer-5.0.0-beta.9+1.19
[✔] pineapple
[✔] qfapi-4.0.0-beta.24_qsl-3.0.0-beta.24_fapi-0.68.0_mc-1.19.2
[✔] quilt_loading_screen-4.0.0+1.19
[✔] simplefog-1.3.1
[✔] sodium-fabric-mc1.19.2-0.4.4+build.18
[✔] spark-1.9.45-fabric
[✔] starlight-1.1.1+fabric.ae22326
[✔] styled-nicknames-1.1.2+1.19
[✔] switchy-1.7.3+1.19
[✔] Terralith_v2.3.5
[✔] voicechat-quilt-1.19.2-2.3.19
[✔] worldedit-mod-7.2.12
[✔] wthit-quilt-5.13.4
Additional Context
No response