Powered display link will still send updates if reading from a stockpile switch
Willytor opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Describe the Bug
A display link reading from a stockpile switch will send out updates to a display, even if powered.
Reproduction Steps
1.Place a stockpile switch facing a chest or other block inventory
2.Place a display link on it, set to display to a nixie tube or other display.
3.Open the display link's menu and click "OK"
4.Power the display link with redstone
5. Change the contents of the chest
5.The percentage being displayed will change
Expected Result
According to its "ponder", and its behavior with other blocks, a powered display link should not send updates. It should only be sending updates whenever it's unpowered.
Screenshots and Videos
At first, in the video, i'm using a display link with a content observer. It is connected in such a way that it will power the display link if the storage interface isn't connected to the minecart contraption. It functions as expected. Then, I replace it with a stockpile switch (to get it to display a percentage instead of a number), and the issue appears.
Crash Report or Log
No response
Operating System
Windows 10
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
Other Mods
Botania, quark, supplementaries, jei, ars nouveau, twilight forest, create addons.
Additional Context
Asked around on the Create discord server, someone who was on the fabric fork tried it and had the same issue. That might mean this is intended behavior, but if that were the case, I would find it very strange.
I also tried circumventing this by connecting the display link to a nixie tube that had another display link which would copy its contents to another nixie tube and tried powering that one, but the same issue occured. It seems the "display link won't send updates if powered" behavior is inconsistent depending on the source, not just with stockpile switches.
https://imgur.com/a/I2jOaNB Clearer example