


Mechanical Mixer Won't Make Brass

brodini opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Describe the Bug

My mixer won't make brass even though my set up is the same as the one's i've seen online. There is a basin with a lit blaze burner underneath and the mixer is spinning, but the mixer arm will not move down when I place copper and zinc in the basin. I don't think there is anything wrong with my contraption because it worked perfectly to mix some dye.

2023-01-08_12 01 07

2023-01-08_12 20 46

Reproduction Steps

  1. set up a mechanical mixer with a basin and then a blaze burner under that
  2. heat the blaze
  3. place copper and zinc ingots in the basin

Expected Result

The mechanical mixer will stay spinning, but will not move down into the basin to mix the copper and zinc. My guess is that for whatever reason, it is not recognizing the copper and zinc ingots as valid inputs.

Screenshots and Videos

No response

Crash Report or Log

No response

Operating System

Windows 10

Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Other Mods

I have been playing with the modpack "Create Above and Beyond", so all the mods within that pack are also in the game

Additional Context

No response


Above and Beyond changes the recipe for brass.


I believe Create: Above and Beyond changes the recipe for brass, so you'll need to look at that and have a different setup


if you want to make molten brass you need to mix molten copper and molten zinc.
this is for Create: Above and Beyond i don't know what the recipe for normal create is.